Forty-Eight Hours

Shehryar Ejaz
2 min readOct 9, 2023


You need to order something now; we have another connection, and you won’t get anything later. the kid was adamant about fasting; either that or he didn’t like his dad taking him to McDonald’s under the garb of ‘having a (happy) meal.’ I saw them later near my departure gate, and we started talking about our destinations in broken Urdu; I love how others try to speak their native language even if they’re struggling.

I am taking my kids to Jeddah; this whole thing is a mess. We’ve been travelling for almost two days, and this little one’s not even eating; that part, I figured, wanted to suggest Burger King, but hey, too young for parenting advice.

Apart from Urdu, growing up in a specific part of the world, I had some background context on their itinerary and asked them to pray for me. However, I hope the itinerary doesn’t involve another instrument of American hegemony in the Middle East. Upon landing, I couldn’t see the bunch again; for obvious reasons, they had to figure out a lot, along with some meal plans. I feel like I am being too invasive here.

In my defence, I put my mind to rest with their meal situation until I came across a duo from Lahore with sleek Punjabi; who doesn’t like that? The McDonald’s kid in me went numb, and the Faisalabad side of things started to show, which involved some Punjabi banter at the airline desk; we thought no one was here to interpret the niceties of our conversation until some gentlemen from Bombay behind us laughed like anything hence proved.

After sorting some logistics and back-and-forth conversations, to put it nicely, I was back with another bunch; this time, we’ve resorted to our colonial heritage, also known as the English language. Apart from a few curse words in what I presume were Arabic, we finally made it to our hotel and held onto each other for a few more hours until we were back in our comfort zones, and we didn’t need others to fight our battles.



Shehryar Ejaz

Sometimes writing, sometimes podcasts, pop culture, literature, films et al